About => Editorial Board
About Metamorphosis Editorial Board

Metamorphosis - Editorial Board

Metamorphosis Journal


The LepSoc Council, in consultation with the Editor, will appoint an Editorial Board (EB) to assist and advise the Editor. The EB will be composed of suitably qualified LepSoc members, as well as persons external to LepSoc who have sufficient standing in the scientific and academic communities to enhance the reputation of Metamorphosis. EB members will serve for 5 years maximum, to allow for the regular injection of new viewpoints.


The functions of the EB are to:

 1. Review from time to time, and comment on, Metamorphosis editorial publishing policies, so that they are in line with the best international scientific publishing practice.

 2. Suggest any means by which the quality and quantity of the articles published in Metamorphosis can be improved.

 3. If requested by the Editor, recommend suitable peer reviewers knowledgeable about the scientific content of a manuscript being reviewed.

4. Carry out occasional peer reviews of manuscripts received that are within the board member’s field of expertise (about one per year).

5. Advise on improvements by which we can earn accreditation for the journal in South Africa, and listing with international indices such as the Zoological Record and BIOSIS.


Dr. Kwaku Aduse-Poku Georgia State University, Atlanta, Georgia, U.S.A.      kadusepoku@yahoo.com

Dr. Oskar Brattström University of Cambridge, Cambridge, United Kingdom      oskar.brattstrom@gmail.com

Dr. Jonathan Colville University of Cape Town, W. Cape, South Africa     jonathan.colville@gmail.com

Dr. Marianne Espeland Zoological Research Mus. Alexander Koenig, Bonn, Germany      marianne.espeland@gmail.com

Prof. Konrad Fiedler Dept. of Botany & Biodiversity Research, Univ. of Vienna, Austria      konrad.fiedler@univie.ac.at

Prof. Alan Gardiner South African Wildlife College, Hoedspruit, Limpopo, South Africa      alagar@sawc.org.za

Dr. Michelle Hamer South African National Biodiversity Inst., W. Cape, South Africa     M.Hamer@sanbi.org.za

Dr. Wolfram Mey Natural History Museum, Berlin, Germany      wolfram.mey@gmx.de

Dr. Rolf Oberprieler Australian National Insect Collection, CSIRO, Canberra, Australia      rolf.oberprieler@csiro.au

Dr. Pasi Sihvonen University of Helsinki, Finland      pasi.sihvonen@helsinki.fi

Dr. Simon van Noort Iziko South African Museum, Cape Town, South Africa      svannoort@iziko.org.za

Prof. Martin Villet Rhodes University, Grahamstown, Eastern Cape      m.villet@ru.ac.za  



Dr David Edge 81 Tulbagh St. Brenton on Sea, W. Cape, South Africa      orachrysops@gmail.com

Copy Editor:

Dr. Andrew Noss University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida, U.S.A.      andrew.noss@yahoo.com



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ISSN 1018-6490 (PRINT) ISSN 2307-5031 (ONLINE)
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