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The first record of an Orachrysops in Gauteng
Official Journal of the Lepidopterists' Society of Africa
Metamorphosis Volume 18 (2007), Metamorphosis Volume 18, Issue 4
Publication Date : 2007-12-31
Author/s : Reinier F. Terblanche and David A. Edge
Title :
Abstract : The first record of a member of the genus Orachrysops in the Gauteng Province of South Africa, and more specifically in the new section of the Suikerbosrand Nature Reserve, is reported. This Orachrysops is identified as the Suikerbosrand population of Orachrysops mijburghi (See Plate No.4 Figs 1-4 male & female for colour). Results from preliminary taxonomic investigations show this Orachrysops population may be ac ryptic sister species of O. mijburghi. The host plant of the larvae of the Suikerbosrand population is Indigofera dimidiate, therefore a different host plant species compared to the known host plant for O. mijburghi form Heilbron, Indigofera evansiana, and the host plants for Orachrysops lacrimosa, Indigastrum fastigiatum (Verloren Vallei) and Indigofera obscura (Greylingstad). At present further research is being undertaken on the taxonomy, genetics and the metapopulation dynamics as part of a larger Orachrysops project. In addition, the area where the Orachrysops species was found contains a newly discovered colony of Aloeides dentatis cf. ssp. dentatis and patches where Metisella meninx occurs. This unexpected discovery, at present comprising three of the six threatened species in Gauteng Province in the vicinity of a seasonal wetland, was made as part of a specialist assessment for the possible development of a road. It serves as a case in point for the value that consultation work may have for prioritizing areas for development or conservation.
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COPYRIGHT NOTICE : Copyright © Lepidopterists' Society of Africa
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